If you have recently planted flowers, vegetables or herbs in your garden, dogs can quickly develop an aversion to the freshly turned soil and pleasant aromas. They’ll sniff it, paw at it or dig up to chew everything up – leaving behind behind damage from dogs’ claws! Dogs can be particularly destructive to gardens if left unchecked – in some cases even getting injured from what they destroy!
Thankfully, there are several methods available to keep your garden dog-proof. From taking a few simple steps to installing fences and gates, you can ensure that your pups don’t wreak havoc on all of your hard work.
Installing a sturdy, latchable gate that’s impossible for your dog to open is one of the best ways to keep dogs out of your garden. Make sure it’s at least several feet high and there isn’t any way your pup can easily climb over it, such as using ramps or climbing barriers.

Install a Fence
A sturdy dog run is another effective way to deter dogs from digging in your garden. Make it at least three feet wide and made out of materials your pet cannot dig through, such as gravel or AstroTurf.
Utilize a Pingg-String wire
This electronic dog deterrent is an efficient way to keep dogs away from your garden. It’s safe for all dogs, working by sending out a static pulse when pushed under it. You can place the wire anywhere you’d like in your garden that you wish to protect.
Construct a Dog Zone
Setting up a dog zone doesn’t need to be complicated: all you have to do is designate an area in your yard that is off limits to dogs. This could be just some low-growing shrubs and trees, or an entire section of yard.
You could also cover the area with a thick layer of gravel or cedar chips and train your dog to always use this area when they need to relieve themselves. The texture of these materials makes them uncomfortable for dogs to walk on, plus they won’t want to dig through it either!

Plant Repellents
Some natural deterrents for dogs include chili peppers, citrus trees, citronella plants, rosemary and lavender. You could also try leaving out lemon peels, grapefruit peels or orange peels in the garden as both olfactory and visual deterrents.
Keep Out Poisonous Plants
Avoid including plants in your garden that are toxic to dogs, such as cacti, yucca or blackberries. They’re also thorny which could cause abrasions and eye injuries in dogs who get too close.
Make sure you are aware of the status of all plants in your garden, and avoid anything which could be toxic for dogs. It is especially important to steer clear of thorny, poisonous or spiky plants at all costs.
Setting Up a “No Dog” Cue
If your pup is showing an interest in the new flowers, fruits and vegetables in your garden, try teaching her a simple “No” command to let her know that what they’re doing isn’t allowed. Once she hears this command, she should stop what they’re doing immediately and wait for you to confirm its approval.